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Maxi-Lock Serger Thread Color Chart

Updated: Jun 4, 2024

If you do a lot of serging, you're probably already a fan of Maxi-Lock Serger Thread. Loved by many sewers for its superior smoothness and strength, this polyester thread is WAWAK's most popular serging thread for a good reason! But whether you're a loyal Maxi-Lock sewer or new to the serging game, finding the perfect color match for your project can be difficult. That's why we've put together our handy Maxi-Lock Serger Thread Color Chart, available at the bottom of this post—download or print it to reference anytime. Once you've decided on a color, find Maxi-Lock Serger Thread at WAWAK.

Maxi-Lock Serger Thread | Maxi-Lock Thread | Maxi-Lock Thread Color Chart
Download or print our Maxi-Lock Serger Thread Color Chart to reference anytime you need a color match.


When it comes to serging, not just any thread will do: you need a thread that can withstand the high speeds and tensions that overlocking requires. Maxi-Lock Serger Threads are designed for exactly that! Lightweight, smooth, and strong, these serging threads move seamlessly through the machine at high speeds with consistent tension. Their strong composition (100% polyester for standard Maxi-Lock and Maxi-Lock Swirls, and 100% nylon for Maxi-Lock Stretch) and smooth surface also minimize shedding, fraying, and breakage. Max-Lock Serger Threads are available in three styles suited for different serging applications.

Standard Maxi-Lock Serger Thread is our most popular serging thread at WAWAK, and many sewers' go-to overlock thread! Choose from a large selection of colors and several spool sizes, and download our Maxi-Lock Serger Thread Color Chart at the bottom of this post to reference colors before you order.

If you prefer to make your serged seams a bit more decorative, Maxi-Lock Swirls Serger Thread might be the colorful twist you're looking for! Maxi-Lock Swirls Thread features a variety of variegated color patterns and is a great choice for applications like home décor, garment embellishment, and quilting. We've got a Maxi-Lock Swirls color chart, too.

Maxi-Lock Stretch Serger Thread is just as lightweight and smooth as the other Maxi-Lock threads, with added stretch and softness. This stretch thread is made of soft, textured nylon and creates a smooth, flat seam that moves with the fabric. Choose Maxi-Lock Stretch Thread for projects that use stretch fabrics like swimwear, lingerie, or fitness clothes. Check out our Maxi-Lock Stretch Thread color chart.

Use this handy color chart to find the Maxi-Lock Thread color you need.
Maxi-Lock Thread Color Chart | Maxi-Lock Serger Thread | Maxi-Lock Color Chart
This Maxi-Lock Thread Color Chart includes color swatches and numbers for standard Maxi-Lock Serger Thread.

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